11 - 13 october, 2023, Reykjavik
The 15th Nordic Melanoma Meeting

About The Event
The meeting brings together clinicians and researchers from the Nordic countries as well as leading melanoma scientists from around the world in the unique Icelandic surroundings. The Nordic Melanoma Meeting offers a combination of talks by invited Nordic and international speakers and abstract sessions where researchers can present their work, as well as common social activities.
The meeting venue is concert hall Harpa in Reykjavik harbor. Reykjavik is the world’s northernmost capital and is surrounded by beautiful lava landscapes, mountains, waters and hot springs.
Pictures from the 15th NMM 2023 in Iceland

February 1st, 2023:
Registration opens (Early bird discounted rate, 220 €)
June 1st, 2023:
Full registration rate (300 €)
April 15th, 2023: Abstract submission opens
June 15th, 2023: Deadline abstract submission
*Abstract details: 300-word structured abstract submitted in the online submission system.
Three abstract categories:
1. Research abstract
2. Case report for ACTA Oncologica Session. Best case presentation will be awarded a short report publication in ACTA Oncologica.
3. Thesis Presentation: Those that have defended their doctoral thesis within two years prior to the meeting are invited to present the highlights of their thesis in a dedicated session.
Event Schedule
Meeting will start at 5 PM Wednesday the 11th of October and end at 5 PM Friday 13th of October.
The full program is available for download below.
Here you can find all the abstracts for the event in downloadable form for easy reading. They are listed in the order of speakers, by the event schedule.
Day 1
11 Oct, 2022
08:45 Am
Opening Remarks
Speaker: ?
09:30 Am
Speaker: ?
12:30 Pm
Lunch Time
Lunch Time
01:30 Pm
Speaker: ?
04:00 Pm
Speaker: ?
Day 2
12 Oct, 2022
08:45 Am
Speaker: ?
09:30 Am
Speaker: ?
12:30 Pm
Lunch Time
Lunch Time
01:30 Pm
Speaker: ?
04:00 Pm
Speaker: ?
Day 3
13 Oct, 2022
08:45 Am
Speaker: ?
09:30 Am
Speaker: ?
12:30 Pm
Lunch Time
Lunch Time
01:30 Pm
Speaker: ?
04:00 Pm
Speaker: ?
Our Speakers
National Tumour Institute, Naples, Italy
The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam
Institut Curie, France
Mayo Clinic, USA
Lund University, Sweden
University of Helsinki, Finland
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
University of Barcelona, Spain
University of Pittsburgh, USA
University of Iceland, Reykjavík
University of Bergen, Norway
Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev, Denmark
The Icelandic Cancer Society, Reykjavík, Iceland
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY, USA
About The Event Organizer
The Nordic Melanoma Group together with the University of Iceland.
Organizing Committee:
Berglind Ósk Einarsdóttir, University of Iceland
Eiríkur Steingrímsson, University of Iceland
Hildur Helgadóttir, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.
Sena ehf
Hagasmára 1
201 Kópavogur
+354 591 5100
For registration and general information: nmm2023@sena.is
Practical information
Two hotels offer special price for NMM participants. To receive the offer participants have to book at least 12 weeks before arrival.
Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre
Austurbakk1 2, 101 Reykjavík
The Nordic Melanoma Meeting is held at Silfurberg in Harpa Reykjavik Concert Hall and Conference Centre. Harpa is a first class conference centre that has received numerous awards and prizes for outstanding facilities.
Silfurberg is a large conference hall on the second floor.